We welcome you to the profession of LIFE INSURANCE ADVISOR of Life Insurance Corporation of India. Here, it is very important to know that WHY ONE SHOULD GO FOR THIS CAREER? Working for yourself provides more job security than working as an employee in someone else’s business because there is less risk, more control, and greater rewards. You make the business decisions. … The harder (and smarter) you work, the more money you can make.
One who want to have infinite growth in his career and love his and his family’s dreams and really want to fulfill these dreams with dignified and honest means, must become a LIFE INSURANCE ADVISOR.
It is 100% possible because it is THE HIGHEST PAID PROFESSION IN THE WORLD. Life Insurance Agency is considered as the highest paid profession in the world.


There is no restriction on the amount of Money that one can earn. Every time a Policy Holder pays his installment premium, the Agent receives his commission. On any standard policy you shall be paid commission as per the following rates. Up to 25% of 1st year, 40% Bonus Commission on the 1st year commission, Up to 7.5% of 2nd & 3rd year premium, Up to 5% thereafter till the policy continues.


You earn your own pension. As years pass, the Renewal Commission starts building up thereby assuring you a pension for the next 20 to 25 years & for your generations to come. Also Svavalamban & Samvardhan Schemes are available. This is the only profession where you are entitled for Gratuity. Proportionate to commission earned, if one has continuously worked as an Agent for 15 or more Qualifying Years or attained 60 years of age whichever is later, receives the Gratuity.


Like a businessmen you have the benefit of free end income and working hours. But interestingly, one does not have the tension and risk of arranging and losing the investment as you start your business here with Zero investment. Here, one is free from the clutch of 9-5 working hours, scheduling of the day is altogether in your hand. This makes possible for you to spend the qualitative time with your near dear ones…the real purpose of one’s earnings and the biggest requirement of today’s hectic and mechanical life.

You are not a Govt. Servant but will be affiliated with the Govt. Sector. LIC is the prominent financial institution of India.

Rules & regulations of your agency altogether governed by the Life Insurance Corporation of India. As per section 37 of Life Insurance Act-1956, Policies, to be guaranteed by Central Government. The Sum Assured by all Policies issued by the Corporation Including any bonuses declared in respect thereof, and subject to the provisions contained in section 14, the amounts assured by all policies issued by any insurer the liabilities under which have vested in the Corporation under this act, and all bonuses declared in respect thereof, whether before or after the appointed day, shall be guaranteed as to payment in cash by the Central Government.


Start Business of your own without Capital Investment. Freedom to set your own working hours. To be in a Business that gets easier & less demanding as you grow old, compared to mounting pressures encountered in other businesses.

No Compulsory retirement. Noble profession opens doors for social service.

Within a short span of time standard of living could be improved. A tool in Nation building activities as money mobilized is used for people’s welfare.


In India only 26% of Insurable population is insured till date. Balance 74% of population is yet to be insured. There is a vast untapped market to be explored.

Only 20% of total agency force are working in a professional capacity. These 20% account for more than 80% of total Life Insurance Business.

Life Insurance Market in India is projected to grow from 1, 09,000/- crores to 2, 60,000/- crores within 5 years’ time.


There are Doctors, Engineers, Chartered Accountants, Share brokers, Lawyers, Film personalities, CEOs, Businessmen, Housewives, Students & many more…this is an evidence that anyone can write his/her success story with their sincere hard work…no special or technical knowledge is required. What so ever is required for that systematic training is provided. Rest all depends upon your committed efforts.

Just ask yourself …… if….. Smt..Ritu Nandu (Raj Kapoor’s Daughter), Smt.Deepti Bhatnagar, Sri.Abhishek Bachan ( Cine artist), Smt. Ragini Yadav (Daughter of Lalu Prasad Yadav), Sri O Madhavan (F/o. Mukesh), Sri C K Padmanabhan ( Politician), Sri.A.K.Antony,Smt.Rachna Jindal were or are agents of this Corporation!

Than Why not you?


The main job of LIC Agent involves :-
  • Prospecting: Identifying the prospective customers and fixing appointment.
  • Need Analysis: Identifying the needs and getting the prospect agree that need exists. (i.e. Family Income Provision, Children Education and Marriage Provision or Retirement Income Provision.)
  • Plan Presentation: Suggesting suitable plans that fulfill the needs as agreed by the prospect.
  • Closing the Sale: Convincing the prospect that you have suggested the best possible solution for his needs and ask for the order.
  • After Sales Service: Provide efficient after sales service and claims settlement.


  • You should be outgoing and love to meet people.
  • You should be ambitious to start your own Business.
  • You should have Good Communication Skills.
  • You should have lot of Perseverance.
  • You should be willing to work hard with lot of Dedication and Devotion.
  • You should be prepared to accept rejections as stepping stone.


Indian Insurance Market is one of the least Insured Market in the world. Out of total insurable population only 26% are covered till today. These 26% also are not adequately covered. Only 20% of total agency force is working as Professionals, and these 20% brings 80% of total life Insurance business. We will help build your career as a professional agent and make sure that you will be among these top 20% agents.

Growth Opportunities

  • Low Insurance Penetration.
  • Low Insurance Density.
  • Low Volume of Life Insurance Premium.
  • High per capita Savings.
  • Increase in working population.
  • Growth in personal Income.
  • High Consumer Awareness.
  • Strong LIC brand.
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